Cattlemen's View

Cow and Bull Special Sale

February 27, 2025

sale starts at 4:30 PM

Joplin Regional Stockyards

150 – Red and Black Angus, 4 to 8-year-olds, all will start calving March 10, 2025, 60 day calving window, bred to very good Hereford or Red Angus bulls. FMI Cotton Reed 417-342-5373,  Skyler Moore 417-737-2615.

10 – Black bred heifers, second and third trimester, bred to black bull. FMI Jason Pendergraft 417-880-2501.

10 – Charolais/Beefmaster cross pairs, 3-year-olds. FMI Larry Mallory 417-461-2275.

22 - Fancy black Angus heifers, start calving March 1, bred to black Angus bull. FMI Fred Gates 417-437-5055.

30 - Black and Red Angus cows, 3 to 6-year-olds, 2nd period bred Angus. 10 - Char Beefmaster X pairs, 3-year-olds. FMI Larry Mallory 417-461-2275.

45 – Mixed black and red cows, 4 to 7-year-olds, bred to Black Angus or Charolais bulls, big fancy cows. FMI Marcus Thogmartin 417-850-3535.

80 – Head of 2 to 6-year-olds, start calving 1st of March, run 60 days with Angus and Hereford bulls. They will be blacks, reds, and char. FMI JR Smith 870-373-1150.

60 – Black cows, 5 to 10-year-olds, second and third period, home-raised, bred Angus. FMI JW Henson 417-343-9488.



  • Vision of a Cattleman