Commission & Charges
- Steers, Heifers, Calves: $22.00 / hd 3% on Cows/Bulls/Pairs
- Cows, Bulls, Pairs: 3% of gross sale ($22.00 minimum per head)
Other Fees:
Resale Commission: 50% of original commission on the resale
Beef Check-off: $1 / head
JRS Vet Inspection: $0.20 / head
Commingle: Free to seller | $4 / head to buyer
Data Charge / Special Value-Added Sale: $0.50 / head
- Overnight yardage | Feeder Calves: $2.50 / head / day
- Yardage w/grain total: $5 / head / day
- Overnight yardage | Cows/Bulls/Pairs: $4.50 / head / day
- Yardage w/grain total: $5.50 / head / day
Holdover / Transit:
- (All classes of cattle): $5 / head / day
Value-Added Tags:
- Calf Vac (white tag): $1.50 / tag
- Vac 45 (gray tag): $1.50 / tag
- Stocker Vac (orange tag): $1.50 / tag
Vet Services:
- Single test: $5.00 / head for cows
- $6.00/ head for bulls
- Pregnancy test cows and heifers: $9.00 / head
- Buyer Pregnancy test Mondays: $4.75 / head
- Bull semen test: $53.00
- Bull trich test: $53.00
Vet Charges Special Sale:
- Preg Test $11.00
- Single Test $8.00
- Bull Test $8.00 plus $53 each for semen and trich